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Thanksgiving is three weeks from today and we kick off “21 Days of Gratitude” – an opportunity to “give thanks” for something or someone every day leading up to turkey day.

If you are like me, you can often focus on what you don’t have. We say things like, “I wish I had a bigger house”, “a new car,” “a boyfriend,” “hair like she has,” etc.   It can be a very negative way of think that brings no value to your life.  In fact, this line of thinking is only hurtful to you and others.  When focus on what we don’t have, we are essentially being ungrateful.

As we set the table, so-to-speak, for our 21 Days of Gratitude, we kick things off with a mindset that we will focusing on and being grateful for what we do have – not on what we don’t have.

So that’s your Day 1 challenge – take time to focus on what you have (even if it seems small).


**Eric has his Masters in Counseling.  When he’s not on B105.7, he works as a private practice therapist.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/natasaadzic