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Missed graduation parties, not attending ballgames, no going to movies, no hugging … these are just a few things we’ve given up in 2020 or don’t have. We often can spend a lot of time and energy focusing on what we don’t have or what we wished we had.  A much more productive and affirming practice is to spend time being grateful for what we do have.

For instance, you might wish you had a bigger or nicer home – maybe today is an opportunity to be thankful for what you do have.  The purpose of such an exercise is not to make us feel guilty – quite the opposite, it’s just an opportunity to reflect more on what we have and to be grateful for that.

In 2020 it’s been easy to focus on what we miss, what we loss and what we don’t have, but even before Thanksgiving,  take time to focus on what you have vs what you don’t have and be thankful for it.


**Eric has his Masters in Counseling and when not on B105.7, works as a private practice counselor.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/Prostock-Studio