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Do you find yourself having interactions like this in your home –

“How was your day?”

“Good. How was yours?”

“It was good.”

And then you go on with your day.

Asking a partner, your child or a friend, how there day was isn’t a bad thing, but when it becomes rote or mindless, maybe it’s time to do something different. Rather it being a meaningless exchange, you can turn it into something more meaningful by asking different questions.

Something like, “what made you laugh out loud today?” or “what gave you a sense of accomplishment today?”  If their day was busy and tiring, you can simply ask, “how would you like today to end?”

As you can see you might get something more than just a one word answer to these questions. Maybe even spark a discussion. So why does it matter? Relationships need to be fostered. When we intentionally look to engage, we create the opportunity to impact your relationships in positive ways.


**Eric has his Masters in counseling and when not on B105.7, works as a private practice counselor.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/Sneksy