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Tune Up Tuesday! In addition to hosting mornings on B105.7, I work in the afternoons as a licensed therapist.  On Tuesday mornings, I’ll share a nugget or two that you can use to sort of “tune up” a relationship in your life… or perhaps your own mental health.

Today — something I encourage couples I work with to do every single week.

I encourage couples to have a weekly check in with things like:

  • How I’m doing personally,
  • How I’m experiencing our relationship
  • One way I’ve positively contributed this week
  • One way I’ve noticed that you’ve positively contributed
  • One thing I wish I might’ve done differently
  • One thing I appreciate about you.

Sort of weekly state of the relationship check-in.  We do ours on Sunday mornings over coffee.  Pick a time that works for you.  It serves so many purposes.  First of all, you’re busy through the week.  This builds in dedicated time for relationship maintenance.  If one of you struggles to bring up concerns, this can hopefully empower you to share more, if you know you have that dedicated time.  At the most, some things will come to the surface that you’re then able to address on together, or with help from a therapist…and at the least, you get some quality time and get to share an appreciation with your partner.

Sean is a licensed therapist for couples and individuals at Evolve Therapy in Greenwood, IN.  Click here to learn more.