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Something there is no room for in your relationship…and it’s something a lot of us expect of our partner.  That’s this week’s Tune Up Tuesday – a little nugget you might be able to use to “tune up” your relationship.  In addition to hosting this radio show, I am about one week away from being done with a masters degree to be a therapist.  And on Tuesdays, I share some things I’ve learned with you for free.

Today…that unreasonable thing we sometimes expect – mind reading.  You’re mad at your boyfriend.  Yes!  Well, does he know how you feel?  He should know.  I shouldn’t have to explain it to him.  Sound familiar?

You can’t assume that your partner knows what you’re thinking or feeling.  People are not mind readers and so something that may seem obvious to you can still be a complete mystery to someone else.

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