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Tune Up Tuesday!  In addition to hosting mornings on B105..7, I work in the afternoons as therapist (at Evolve Therapy in Greenwood, IN) and on Tuesday mornings I share a little nugget you might be able to use to sort of “tune up” a relationship in your life.  This morning, when things feel heavy, how to make them light!

A new study finds playfulness is key to easing stress and conflict in your relationship.  Playfulness will look different couple to couple.  Could be playing a game, joking with your partner, or even just watching a funny show together.  It’s important to be intentional about injecting more playfulness into your relationship.  It’s increasingly important when you or your partner are sort of bogged down by heaviness or stressors.  The research says as playfulness increases, so does physical intimacy and overall satisfaction.

It’s not uncommon that playfulness varies even within a relationship.  My husband Andy is really playful.  I mean, he’s an elementary teacher for Pete’s sake.  I’m not as playful, so that’s my stretch.  And for those of us who aren’t as playful, start with a low hanging fruit like suggesting a funny show to watch together.  Andy loves Bob’s Burgers, for example.  I’m amused by that show, but I don’t think it’s gut busting hilarious like he does – AND I think I’m going to take my own advice and suggest we watch a couple episodes after dinner tonight.